Dear Member: I’m proud to present you with your copy of the 2015 GNYADA Membership Directory. This is our most comprehensive Directory yet and I’m sure you will find it helpful. The size and scope of its contents confirms the incredible complex nature of running a new car dealership and also how reassuring it is for all of us to have a resource like GNYADA to help. Whether you’re looking for help from one of our vendors or you need legal or tax assistance, the following pages will provide you and your employees with useful information throughout the year. GNYADA’s experienced staff understands the N.Y. metro market and promotes good business practices on many fronts. From lobbying for beneficial legislation that helps level the playing field for dealers to fighting legislation that hurts our businesses, GNYADA’s Government Relations division affects positive change. The changes to the Franchise Bill reflect these efforts and are just one example of how the Association takes on our major issues. The Association provides a plethora of useful services that include; helpingwith the bottom-line (Warranty Parts Program), assisting with labor disputes (Employee Relations Plan), answering general questions (Dealer Services), supplying registration and titling work (DMV-DIRECT), Surety Bonds (Membership Services), providing healthcare and pension coverage (GNYADA Insurance Brokerage) and providing continual training at the industry’s highest level (Center for Automotive Education & Training). No matter your needs, GNYADA has you covered. So pick up the phone or send us an email, and we’ll be glad to assist! Best wishes,
Bob Vail, Chairman Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association
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