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2015 GNYADA Membership Directory


GNYADA receives inquiries from dealers seeking assistance on a wide variety of topics. Callers seek information

ranging from ”Is my dealership required to disclose the prior use of a vehicle?,” “Can my customer export this car

to a foreign country?,”to “Are e-cigarettes permitted in the dealership?”

The Association’s team responds with assistance on everything from Red Flags Rule compliance and DMV

regulations to calls for help with hundreds of other topics. Most often, we can resolve our members’ issues

immediately. However, if the problem is more complex, Association staff conducts research in-house or reaches

out to experts or the appropriate regulatory agencies.

Field Services

GNYADA offers a Field Services team to keep dealers

aware of current and pending issues. GNYADA field

representatives with more than 30 years of experience

working in metro-area dealerships, assists dealers daily,

keeping them updated with the information they need

to run their businesses. This personal contact helps

ensure our programs are relevant to dealers and their


During the visits, members stock up on complimentary

labor, service and shop posters. DMV forms, seminar

registration materials, and other useful items are available from our representatives. At the same time, a field

representative may complete a walk-through of the dealership, inspecting each area for potential EPA, OSHA, and

Privacy Act violations as well as proper signage.

Dealership Compliance

Dealers are faced with a myriad of state and federal laws regulating

their dealerships. For example, just keeping proper records can be

complicated. GNYADA offers dealers compliance solutions through

educational seminars, webinars andworkshops in addition to providing

other hands-on reference compliance materials.

Throughout the year, GNYADA gathers industry specialists to hold


regulations affecting every aspect of dealership operations. Special

seminars cover some of these topics; sales tax rules, privacy, identity

theft, OSHA’s Hazard Communication, franchise law and workshops on

“hot topics.” GNYADA hosts special regional programs for our northern

and east end dealers.