2015 NATC Scripts
(National Anthem) Ladies and gentlemen, at this time we ask that you stand. The privilege of this competition was made possible by those who have fought – and continue to fight for – the freedoms we enjoy.
Let us honor and respect their efforts and our country by gentlemen removing their caps, and everyone standing at attention, placing their hands over their hearts, as we proudly sing our National Anthem.
(Slide of Flags during National Anthem) Bob Frey: .... Once again, here to sing God Bless America is Master Sergeant MaryKay Messenger accompanied by Master Sergeant Brian Broelman on guitar. Master Sergeant Messenger can be heard performing with the Boston Pops Orchestra, singing at the World Series and at numerous other events. Master Sergeant Messenger's voice warms the hearts of thousands every year. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, The West Point Band's Master Sergeant MaryKay Messenger.
2015 National Automotive Technology Competition Script 98
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