Dear Member:
GNYADA is an extraordinary organization which, in addition to providing practical
day-to-day help for dealers, is a key advocate for the automobile industry.With the
latest edition of this Membership Directory, we have assembled more information
than ever before to provide you with an invaluable desk top resource. Everything
is covered, from navigating the regulatory maze to saving money through our Dealer Discount Club.
The past twelvemonths have been an incredible year in our Association’s history. At the end of 2015, we celebrated
the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the Center for Automotive Education & Training, where we focused on the
thousands of men and women who have come through our doors and now enjoy great jobs in the auto industry.
We also reached an incredible 20-year milestone with our DMV-DIRECT titling and registration service. Three
million registrations and counting! Both these occasions highlighted the ongoing, long-term commitment of our
106-year-old Association to the dealers of greater New York.
Please take time to look through your new Membership Directory. It contains lots of information that really can
save you considerable time and money. The size and scope of its contents reminds me of the incredible complex
nature of running a new car dealership, and how reassuring it is for all of us to have a resource like GNYADA
working so tirelessly for us.
And don’t forget, the Association‘s experienced staff is always available to find answers to problems that you are
facing. We’re just a click or phone call away. Please call or email anytime.
Best wishes,
Nick Toomey, Chairman
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association