2018 GNYADA Membership Directory

Gundermann & Gundermann 175 W. Carver Street

Journal News Media Group 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains, NY 10604

Company: Address:

Company: Address:

Huntington, NY 11743 Thomas Gundermann


Laura Waddell 914-694-5158 914-696-8440 lwaddell@lohud.com

Contact: Phone: Fax: Email:

Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Company: Address:

631-271-0600 631-271-0610

tomgundermann@ gundermann.com

www.nyjournalnews.com Kenneth J. Zweibel CPA 6 Stonehenge Lane East Northport, NY 11731 Kenneth Zweibel

www.gundermann.com H and H Dealer Services 137 Lanning Road Blairstown, NJ 07825


Company: Address:

Contact: Phone: Fax: Email:

Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Company: Address: Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Company: Address: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Company: Address:

Devon Hodges 908-979-9717 908-929-9001

631-368-5800 631-368-5808 kjzcpa@aol.com KinCrete Flooring, Inc. 42 First Street Garden City, NY 11530 Ellen Diller 516-346-5011 ellendiller@kincreteflooring.com www.kincreteflooring.com LaBonte Law Group, PLLC 1461 Franklin Avenue, Suite LL-S Garden City, NY 11530 Stevan LaBonte 516-280-8580 631-794-2434 slabonte@labontelawgroup.com www.LabonteLawGroup.com Law Offices of Stuart Rosenthal 399 Knollwood Road White Plains, NY 10603 Stuart Rosenthal 914-205-7700

devon@handhdealerservices.com www.handhdealerservices.com Heartland Payment Systems 40 Main Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Mitchell Reisberg 888-963-3600 mitchell.reisberg@e-hps.com www.heartlandpayment systems.com Intelligent Payment Processing Corp. 200 Vesey Street, 24th Floor New York, NY 10281 Dean Fournaris 631-312-3653 dfournaris@ippi.solutions www.ippi.solutions Ives Sultan & Spike PLLC 100 Crossways Park Drive W. Woodbury, NY 11797 Mark Sultan

Company: Address:

Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Company: Address: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Company: Address: Contact: Phone: Email: Website:


stuart@rosenthal.lawyer www.rosenthal.lawyer

516-496-9500 516-496-9508

msultan@ives-sultan.com www.ivessultanspike.com

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