2018 GNYADA Membership Directory
As of January 1, 2017, window tint testing is part of annual vehicle safety inspection requirements; a two-piece tint meter is required to test windows that don’t roll down. These rules apply only to passenger cars, not trucks, limos, or unmarked police cars. Vehicle inspection stations are required to fail vehicles, model year 1992 and newer, if they do not allow at least 70% of light through: • The windshield, except for the shade band; • Side front windows; • Side rear windows; • Rear window, if the vehicle does not have dual outside mirrors. If a vehicle fails inspection due to illegal tinting, the consumer must address the issue by the expiration date on the inspection sticker. Medical exemptions: The tint law exempts vehicles that have been tinted to accommodate certain medical conditions that cause photosensitivity to light. These exempting light-sensitivity conditions include porphyria, xeroderma pigmentosa, and severe drug photo-sensitivity. DMV created an informational YouTube video that explains the new regulations and reviews some testing procedures. To watch the video, go to dmv.ny.gov/registration/tinted-windows and click the YouTube link. This video may help dealers explain the new inspection requirements to customers.
As a benefit of membership, GNYADA has created a sign for your inspection station that may also be helpful in explaining the new rule to customers. GNYADA has a two-piece tint meter available for members to purchase at a specially discounted price. To order the Tint-Chek PRO or tint sign, call 718.746.5900.
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