2019-20 Workshops & Seminars for Automobile Dealerships
MARCH 2020
The musts of telephone best practices
Identify your customer’s needs
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
TIME 10:00am - 1:00pm INSTRUCTOR Mark Rodriguez, Auto Client Care, Inc.
TIME 10:00am - 1:00pm INSTRUCTOR Ken Carlson, F&I Resources
MEMBER FEE $120.00 NON-MEMBER $200.00
MEMBER FEE $120.00 NON-MEMBER $200.00
Learn to gain control of the call, ask the right questions, transfer calls effectively, and close each call successfully.
Learn how the customer wants to be sold (Hot Buttons) and sell from their point of view. This will assist your sales staff to structure the product presentation to the customer’s needs.
This highly interactive seminar provides best practices for all phases of a customer call, including opening, closing, and hold/transfer techniques. Learn what to say to ensure proper etiquette and a positive outcome.
Participants will learn how to:
n Make a great first impression for a proper meet and greet n Better understand the customer’s needs and deliver on their expectations n Professionally discuss budget concerns n Build customer trust and loyalty with every sale MASTER THE WALK-A-ROuND & TEST RIDE Properly and professionally present a vehicle to your client
Attendees will learn how to:
n Identify the components of an effective opening n Avoid the most common telephone etiquette problems n Practice the recommended techniques for transferring callers or putting them on hold n Identify ways to effectively close the call to leave the customer with a positive impression
n Best utilize voicemail communications
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
TIME 1:30pm - 4:30pm INSTRUCTOR Ken Carlson, F&I Resources
SALES MANAGER BOOT CAMP “I’ve been promoted to Sales Manager, now what?”
MEMBER FEE $120.00 NON-MEMBER $200.00
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm INSTRUCTOR Ken Carlson, F&I Resources
Techniques that will help you close more deals.
MEMBER FEE $175.00 NON-MEMBER $300.00
The walk-a-round and test drive are the ideal times to sell a ve- hicle’s features and benefits to the customer. Learn exciting methods that build product value during this part of the sales process, through demo ride conversations, speaking to the buyer’s motives, and more. n Plan for the most common customer objections to the drive n Target features that are most valuable to a given customer n Create a natural flow of communicating personalized features and benefits n Control the sale throughout this part of the selling process Attendees will learn how to:
Techniques to effectively work with your sales team.
Participants will learn:
n How to gain a firm commitment and maximize gross profit n ECOA – NADA Finance Policy & Sales Compliance n How to set the stage for an effective negotiation process that results in overall higher total customer yield
n How to run effective sales meetings
n How to recruit, interview, and hire new Salespeople
OSHA COMPLIANCE SEMINAR March 11, 2020 This information-packed seminar will provide dealers with a comprehensive update on the latest OSHA requirements and discuss strategies to successfully meet these stringent standards in the ever-changing workplace environment.
C E N T E R F O R A u T O M O T I V E E D u C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G / w H I T E S T O N E , q u E E N S / G N Y A D A . C O M / E D u C A T I O N
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