Allied Members Directory
Helping Dealers Find New Talent Need qualified individuals to work at your dealership? GNYADA’s Job Bank Employment Service is a recruitment and placement service that assists talented and motivated individuals to grow within the automotive industry. The Job Bank maintains a list of candidates for dealership positions, along with their desired work locations.
Dealers search the Job Bank when seeking to fill open positions or when the dealer has a vacant position to post. The Association participates in career fairs and forums throughout the twelve downstate counties to encourage young people, veterans, and career-changers to consider bringing their skills to our industry.
Education And Training Programs The Association has been offering cost effective quality training programs to members for more than 30 years. In order to expand the work we do on behalf of our members, the Association opened the Center for Automotive Education & Training in Whitestone, Queens in 2005. Classes are designed to help dealership personnel operate professionally and efficiently. GNYADA’s education programs cover every aspect of the dealership operations. We continually add new seminars and update existing ones to reflect the changes taking place in our industry. Our instructors have industry-specific knowledge and dealership experience. Their teaching methods include extensive role-playing, sharing current trends and providing attendees with action plans to take back to their dealerships to help them to succeed in their dealership roles.
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