GNYADA 2017 Allied Membership Directory
Automobile dealerships are the economic engines of the local communities in which they reside. The entrepreneurs who run them are job creators, community investors, and charitable contributors to local hospitals, fire departments, little leagues, and more. For more than 107 years, the Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association has dedicated itself to supporting this vital group of community-invested businesses. GNYADA’s mission is to promote excellence in business practices, ethics, standards and service among franchised new car dealers for the benefit of both the industry and customers. The Association encourages the passage of positive legislation and the creation of a cooperative regulatory atmosphere at all levels of government. Another key commitment is providing education and training to greater New York’s retail automotive industry workforce.
Information is Key GNYADA works to keep its dealer members informed about important issues, trends, and regulations within the franchised new car marketplace. In addition to encouraging helpful legislation, the Association continually provides dealers with compliance solutions, newsletters, seminars, invitations to Association events, and many other benefits that support the needs of members and the communities they serve. One-Stop-Shop Assistance GNYADA’s Dealer Hotline provides dealers with fast answers to tax inquiries, employment issues, and other dealer matters. GNYADA’s Field Service Representatives continually provide members with compliance signs and posters, DMV forms, and useful tools and information that ensure their businesses run smoothly. The field team also performs complete facility walk-throughs informing dealers of potential EPA, OSHA, and Privacy Act violations.
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