GNYADA 2017 Allied Membership Directory
2017 Dear GNYADA Member: It is my pleasure to present you with GNYADA’s Allied Member Directory. This is your electronic guide to the Association’s extensive network of specialized service providers, who are here to assist dealers in key areas of their operations. GNYADA’s Allied Membership is made up of a select group of companies that help dealers meet themultitude of needs involved in running their businesses, from compliance advisors, to equipment providers, advertising experts, tech
consultants, and everything in between.
With our industry rapidly changing, it’s more important than ever for dealers to have access to information and professional support that will help them adapt and prosper in a fast-paced environment. Utilizing the vendor services contained in this digital index will save your business time and money and keep you on the cutting edge of today’s automotive industry.
I thank you for supporting the businesses that support our Association.
Best wishes,
Lee Certilman, Chairman Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association
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