GNYADA 2018-2019 Education Book
DRIVING CONSISTENT SUCCESS IN THE SERVICE DRIVE the training and coaching you need to thrive in today’s market
FIVE PRINCIPLES OF EVERY EXCEPTIONAL TEAM increase cohesion on any team by introducing this concept
tuesday, September 18, 2018
thursday, September 20, 2018
timE 10:00am - 4:00pm inStructor Frank Phillips, FCP-Sales Masters
timE 10:00am - 1:00pm inStructor Kiki Orski, Peak Performance
mEmBEr FEE $175.00 non-mEmBEr $300.00
mEmBEr FEE $120.00 non-mEmBEr $200.00
time tested results to maximize Service advisor performance.
teams are comprised of individuals, and the focus of this programwill be on how to be a good teammate.
Learn practices that are essential to increase revenues, improve survey scores and excel in customer retention. Service Advisors will learn methods to manage vehicle service from start to finish, including communicating with customers, handling objections, and upselling services.
Explore the top five principles of team building and identify what can be done to increase cohesion, effectiveness, and productivity. This class ap- plies to every staffmember of your dealership with the focus on collective employee success as the end result.
Participants will learn:
Participants will learn how to: Build vulnerability based trust n
n Selling techniques for communicating needed service(s)
n Methods to build rapport with every client n To sell service based on the customer’s needs
Engage in healthy conflict
n Gain commitment from teammembers n Promote peer to peer accountability
n Techniques for handling objections throughout the process n How to ensure trust and credibility in customer relationships
n Emphasize collective results that define team success
I had an amazing experience. The seminar was very informative and helpful. Mr. Rodriguez did an outstanding job and I would recommend this seminar to everybody. I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to attend. The used car specific/ general inbound outline was the most helpful for me. Mr. Rodriguez is extremely knowledgeable and presented the methods and format very professionally. – Tia Bradford Smith Haven Auto “ ” BDC & SALES BOOT CAMP
c e n t e r f o r a u t o m o t i v e e d u c a t i o n & t r a i n i n g / w h i t e s t o n e , q u e e n s / g n y a d a . c o m / e d u c a t i o n
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