GNYADA 2018-2019 Education Book

DEAL-KILLING SALES OBJECTIONS AND HOWTO OVERCOME THEM Learn how to recognize and resolve objections throughout the sales process

MANAGING DIFFICULT PEOPLE never fall victim to those who have the potential to make life miserable

thursday, december 13, 2018


Wednesday, december 12, 2018

timE 10:00am - 1:00pm inStructor Bill McAndrews, William D. McAndrews & Associates


timE 10:00am - 4:00pm inStructor Frank Phillips, FCP-Sales Masters

mEmBEr FEE $120.00 non-mEmBEr $200.00

mEmBEr FEE $175.00 non-mEmBEr $300.00

Learn to make managing challenging employees and coworkers easier.

Learn how to navigate the toughest customer scenarios and move quickly to the close.

Learn strategies for getting adversaries to cooperate, bullies to back off, wall- flowers to open up, and complainers to think before they speak. Knowing how to deal with difficult people at work will allow you to approach your staff with greater confidence and your job with more enjoyment.

Objections can occur anywhere in the selling process. Revealing and dealing with them can be a challenging intellectual and psychological exercise. This seminar equips you with skills to overcome these obstacles to closing the deal.

attendees will learn to:

attendees will learn:

n Handle objections throughout the selling process n Understand the different types of objections n Acknowledge the customer's objection and redirect it n Ask questions that will uncover core objections and define them n Gain agreement when answering customer’s objections

n How to work with / work around negative people

n The dos and don’ts of communicating with any difficult person n When to go to a third party for help in dealing with a problem person

n How to deal with employees who may offend others n How to manage a mix of older and younger employees

WEBINAR: BOOST EMPLOYEE RETENTION & AVOID LOSING SEASONED TALENT december 12, 2018 | 11:00 am It takes a lot of time, effort and money to groom an employee and to finally get the returns on an employer's investment. Therefore, it is critical for employers to implement practices and precautions to avoid losing groomed talent to your com- petitors. This webinar will discuss strategies to keep your most talented employees engaged and motivated for long-term employment.


c e n t e r f o r a u t o m o t i v e e d u c a t i o n & t r a i n i n g / w h i t e s t o n e , q u e e n s / g n y a d a . c o m / e d u c a t i o n

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