GNYADA 2018-2019 Education Book

WINNING AT AUTOMOTIVE SALES Learn the attitude, enthusiasm, and knowledge it takes to win in the car business

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm InsTrucTor Ken Carlson, F&I Resources

MEMBEr FEE $175.00 non-MEMBEr $300.00

Learn to sell more units, hold more gross, and earn excellent csI scores.

This powerful one-day advanced sales training will expose both seasoned veterans and rookies to proven techniques that sell more cars and create higher gross profit. It’s a can’t-miss opportunity for anyone on your sales floor not achieving 100% of their potential every month.

Attendees will learn techniques for:

n Improving the quality of sales conversations

Selling value as opposed to price


Selling from inventory


n Selling value through a proper product presentation and demonstration ride n Obtaining commitment and negotiating for profit


Awesome class. Learned tons about myself and what I can change. Gave me a process when usually I just wing it. Now I have a proven process step by step to use. Negotiating numbers to max my gross. Start higher and leave myself room and don’t be afraid to ask for more. It’s not a couch, it’s a car. Great speaker. I love how he lets the class ask questions and every time they fit right into his process and verbage. – Jesse Burba Acura of Westchester ”

WEBINAR: INVESTIGATIONS WITHOUT HESITATION April 17, 2019 | 11:00 am Investigations are part-and-parcel of human re- sources. Are you conducting them as well as you could? This webinar will review the basics, discuss best practices, and teach you how to handle the unexpected.

Register online: or call 718.640.2012 today!


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