GNYADA April 2019 Newlsetter
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For Dealer Principals / General Managers / Sales Managers The Newsletter A Publication of Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association
APRIL 2019 Volume 29, Issue 2
1 Gov. Announces His Support to Double the NYS Doc Fee
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that DMV’s Doc Fee will double to $150.00 from the current level of $75.00. The Governor also expressed his willingness to investigate changes to the State Inspection Fee. These major announcements came at a breakfast meeting at the Governor’s Mansion in Albany with dealer representatives from across New York. The Governor acknowledged GNYADA’s recent study, mentioning the urgent need for a fee increase to address the competitive disadvantage New York dealers face against dealers in surrounding states, who can charge higher registration fees. The Governor also acknowledged that future Doc Fee adjustments are necessary in order to get the fee where it should be according to the GNYADA study.
The Newsletter is published by GNYADA, a not-for-profit organization representing franchised automobile dealers in the New York metro area. 18-10 Whitestone Expressway Whitestone, New York 11357 New DMV Commissioner Sits Down with GNYADA Directors page 2 Sales Tax and Extended Warranties page 3 Rules on Shop Supplies and Waste Fees page 5
The Doc Fee increase will take effect after regulations are written and posted in the State Register. It is expected to be final in the next 2 to 3 months. GNYADA will keep dealers informed as to when it goes into effect. The Governor also addressed the short- age of qualified auto technicians and the importance of getting these jobs filled by committing to work with the industry on a statewide effort to promote and better educate people about this career path. GNYADA thanks Governor Cuomo for his support and for taking this important step in adjusting this fee.
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January 31, 2019
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