GNYADA August 2016 Newsletter
DCA Says “Shut the Front Door” New Air-Conditioning Rules for NYC Businesses
New York City Council passed Local Law 92, in the fall of 2015. The law imposes energy conservation require- ments upon commercial establishments in NYC, and requires all businesses, regardless of size, to keep doors and windows shut while the air conditioning is running. This is the first summer for which the law is in effect. (Note: Doors are allowed to be open during deliveries.)
Enforceable Penalties As of July 1, the DCA can fine first-violators of this provision of the law $250 for each open door or window. For a second violation (within an eighteen-month period), the penalty will be $500 per open door/window.
If you have any questions about this or other provisions of Local Law 92, please call the Association at 718.746.5900.
GNYADA Members Have Help Managing Cooling Costs
Getting antsy about your summer AC bill? Sprague Energy, a Dealer Discount Club vendor, helps dealers lock in energy rates for extended periods. They also offer real-time energy market data designed to improve purchas- ing strategies. Dealers can learn more by visiting . Or contact Jay Thomson, your assigned Sprague energy manager, for a free savings analysis: 732.440.0005 /
EEOC Increasing Fines for Failure to Post Labor Laws GNYADA Provides Labor Law Poster Free of Charge
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is more than doubling the penalties against employers who fail to properly post labor law posters displaying the federal laws that protect workers from dis- crimination. As of July 5, the maximum penalty for violating this specific posting requirement is now $525 — the previous maximum was $210. “The purpose of the adjustment is to maintain the remedial impact of civil monetary penalties and promote compliance with the law,” the EEOC said in its announcement. GNYADA helps dealers stay in compliance with these posting require- ments by offering a 14-in-1 labor law poster, as a free benefit of mem- bership. This poster includes the federal anti-discrimination laws. Dealers should display posters where employees can see them — for example, in a break or lunchroom, in their offices and service areas. Please contact the Association if you require additional posters.
Free Poster
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • August 2016
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