GNYADA February 2017 Newsletter

16 Local Auto Tech Students Show Their Drive

At the end of the two-day event, the regional winning teams were: Long Island: John DeLuca & Evan Wagner / H.B. Ward Technical Center New York City: Sudesh McCoon & Robinson Suriel / Thomas A. Edison CTE High School Westchester / Rockland: Owen Hillegass & Kaden Marvin / Orange- Ulster BOCES The first- through fourth-place finish- ers had tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships distributed between them. All participating teams received complimentary tools from Snap-on. The State Finals take place on February 14. While these have histor- ically been structured as half worksta- tion and half on-car exercises, the State Finals are now entirely on-car to provide students with the most real-world scenarios. The 25th National Automotive Technology Competition takes place April 18-19, at the Jacob Javits Center.

Since 1991, GNYADA has sponsored the New York Automotive Techno- logy Competitions, to prepare the upcoming generation of technicians and to embrace the ever-advancing technology of today's vehicles. This year’s regional competitions — covering Long Island, NYC, and Westchester / Rockland Counties — took place in January. Thirty-three teams from high schools throughout the downstate area gathered at the Center for Automotive Education & Training, with the 12 top teams earn- ing spots at the New York finals in February. Workstation challenges featured high- er levels of technical difficulty than in previous regionals. "GNYADA struc- tures each level of these competitions to prepare students for the rigor of real-world automotive service work," said GNYADA's Education Commit- tee Chairman and Chairman of the Board, Nick Toomey. "Adapting and intensifying challenges is an impor- tant investment for us. These are the dealership techs of tomorrow; we want to help them be agile learners with competitive spirits."

GNYADA thanks the following sponsors of the regional auto tech competition:



n General Motors Corp. n LaSorsa Auto Group n Lincoln Technical Institute

Megatech Corp.


n New England Institute of



n Ohio Technical College

Snap-on Tools


Subaru U


n Suffolk County Community



n Toyota Motor Sales

n Universal Technical Institute n University of Northwestern



Refunding Registration and Title Fees


“The amount indicated on this sales contract or lease agreement for reg- istration and title fees is an estimate. In some instances, it may exceed the actual fee due the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. The dealer will automatically, and within 60 days of securing such registration and title, refund any amount overpaid for such fees.” This preprinted statement needs to be

Dealers are required to obtain regis- trations and titles for buyers and esti- mate the amount due in most cases. According to New York State law, dealers must automatically refund any overcharge within 60 days of securing the registration and title. If your dealership uses a good faith estimate approach, the sales contract or lease needs to have the following statement included:

in bold print, and the customer must initial it. If you collect registration and title fees based on estimates, GNYADA suggests you check your contracts and leases for this disclosure state- ment; and, have a procedure in place to ensure overpayments are refunded within 60 days.

Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •

The Newsletter • February 2017


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