GNYADA September 2017 Newsletter

Tire Recycling Fee Reminder Quarterly waste tire fee must be filed by 9/30 16

Waste tire management and recycling fee returns covering this year’s third quarter (June 1 - August 31) must be filed with New York State’s Department of Taxation and Finance by September 30, 2017. Dealers must file these quarterly returns and pay the required recycling fees even if they made no sales of tires subject to the waste tire management fee during that quarter. Tire recycling fees must be itemized on all estimates and repair orders, as well as in advertisements. An official sign, stating that disposal costs are 17 Q: If a dealer takes back a vehicle that a customer wants to return after purchasing, does the vehicle need to be reregistered and retitled? A: Yes. If a customer drives a vehicle off the dealership's lot, for any period of time, that vehicle must be registered and titled back to the dealer upon being returned to the dealership. Q: Can a dealer do a "title only" certification to themselves, in order to use a vehicle for dealership businesses? A: No. In New York State, a trade-in must be titled and registered in the dealership’s name. “Title Only” certifications are for consumers only, for when they’ve purchased a vehicle, but may not be ready to register it yet.

incorporated into the price of new tires, must be posted in the dealership. The DTF extended the waste tire management and recycling fee expiration date to December 31, 2019. Up until that date, dealers must continue imposing a charge of up to $2.50 for every new tire sold, to cover recycling costs. GNYADA offers signs that explain tire disposal/recycling charges to members at no charge. To request signs, please call 718.746.5900. Q: If I am closing or selling a dealership, what should I do with any remaining plates? A: On dealership letterhead, prepare a letter to the DMV’s Dealer Plate Issuance unit. In it, state that the dealership is closing, and list all remaining plates the dealership has. Send both the letter and the remaining plates to the Dealer Plate Issuance Unit. (Be sure to secure a receipt or proof of delivery.) Once DMV receives that delivery, they will review the dealership’s plate inventory record, send a receipt for the returned plates, and grant a refund.

Frequently Asked DMV Questions

Q: My dealership received its Facility Renewal application and its Dealer Plate renewal forms. Can I renew my dealer plates before sending in the Facility Renewal application? A: No. Dealer plates cannot be renewed until the Facility Renewal Application is processed. DMV does this in order to confirm that the dealership for which they’re renewing dealer plates is still in business. This is also another way in which DMV confirms that the

dealership received their Facility Renewal application and remitted their renewal check.

DMV-DIRECT processes titles and registrations for over 200 dealers and can handle duplicate titles in as little as three days. The office assists dealers with all DMV work, including plate transfers, renewals, VIN searches, and more. Learn more at .

Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •

The Newsletter • September 2017


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