GNYADA 2018-2019 Education Book

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8

BDC & SALES BOOT CAMP Selling appointments that show

THE WALK-A-ROUND PRESENTATION: AN IMPORTANT CLOSING TOOL! Start the closing process the moment the customer sits in the vehicle

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


timE 10:00am - 4:00pm inStructor Mark Rodriguez, Auto Client Care, Inc.

thursday, September 13, 2018


timE 10:00am - 4:00pm inStructor Frank Phillips, FCP-Sales Masters

mEmBEr FEE $175.00 non-mEmBEr $300.00

mEmBEr FEE $175.00 non-mEmBEr $300.00

Powerful and effective techniques for Bdc communication skills.

Learn how to win more sales by justifying the price and building customer trust during the walk-a-round.

Discover proven strategies to make the most of every phone call. Learn how to set solid appointments, effective objection handling, and more. Included are participant workbooks, tailored role-plays, and real-time phone coaching.

A well-organized walk-a-round presentation is an important step in the sales process. Done well, it drives logic and emotion for prospects to buy or lease a vehicle with certain features. It’s a closing tool that can make or break a deal.

attendees will learn how to:

n Distinguish words and phrases that can be used to demonstrate interest and support

attendees will learn how to:

n Select the right language to convey your message

n Avoid using negative terminology and replace with positive phrases

n Keep presentations organized and effective n Present product knowledge in a compelling fashion

n Identify key words to work into speech to build rapport n Keep a call on track and arrive at a positive outcome

n Build value in a vehicle to justify its price

Keep the sales process seamless



c e n t e r f o r a u t o m o t i v e e d u c a t i o n & t r a i n i n g / w h i t e s t o n e , q u e e n s / g n y a d a . c o m / e d u c a t i o n

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