GNYADA 2018-2019 Education Book
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DMV BILLERS’ WORKSHOP: PROCESSING OUT-OF-STATE TRANSACTIONS Efficiently and effectively process out-of-state deals
WINNING AT AUTOMOTIVE SALES Learn the attitude, enthusiasm, and knowledge it takes to win in the car business
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Wednesday, July 9, 2019
TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm InsTrucTor Ken Carlson, F&I Resources
TIME 10:00am - 1:00pm InsTrucTor Jean Marie Rugg, General Manager, DMV-DIRECT
MEMBEr FEE $175.00 non-MEMBEr $300.00
MEMBEr FEE $120.00 non-MEMBEr $200.00
Learn to sell more units, hold more gross, and earn excellent csI scores.
Learn complex registration and titling transactions that require in depth expertise to properly complete.
This powerful one-day advanced sales training will expose both seasoned veterans and rookies to proven techniques that sell more cars and create higher gross profit. It’s a can’t-miss opportunity for anyone on your sales floor not achieving 100% of their potential every month.
Learn how to handle the added hurdles of an out-of-state vehicle deal, quickly and properly — from stocking to completing title and registration. Each attendee receives a complete reference manual to keep on file at their dealership.
Attendees will learn techniques for:
Attendees will learn how to:
n Improving the quality of sales conversations
n Properly complete required forms for New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Florida
Selling value as opposed to price
Selling from inventory
n Configure sales tax for each of the different states
n Selling value through a proper product presentation and demonstration ride n Obtaining commitment and negotiating for profit
Avoid application rejection
n Handle the different types of transactions (lease vs. retail sales)
BDC & SALES BOOT CAMP selling appointments that show
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm InsTrucTor Mark Rodriguez, Auto Client Care, Inc.
MEMBEr FEE $175.00 non-MEMBEr $300.00
Powerful and effective techniques for BDc communication skills.
Discover proven strategies to make the most of every phone call. Learn how to set solid appointments, effective objection handling, and more. Included are participant workbooks, tailored role-plays, and real-time phone coaching.
Attendees will learn how to:
n Distinguish words and phrases that can be used to demonstrate interest and support
n Select the right language to convey your message
n Avoid using negative terminology and replace with positive phrases
n Identify key words to work into speech to build rapport n Keep a call on track and arrive at a positive outcome
twenty6 c e n t e r f o r a u t o m o t i v e e d u c a t i o n & t r a i n i n g / w h i t e s t o n e , q u e e n s / g n y a d a . c o m / e d u c a t i o n
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