GNYADA March 2014 Newsletter
GNYADA’s PAC Supports Your Business GNYADA’s comprehensive legisla- tive agenda in Albany is geared to protecting franchised new car dealers from laws and regulations that would make it more difficult or less prof- itable to operate in New York. As advancing in the Assembly (A.7844- A/S.6797). It will add a number of important dealer protections. 7
positive relationships with those who make policy decisions affecting our members. While more than 98% of GNYADA members have pledged the PAC donation included in their 2014 Membership dues, you can make additional contributions of $100, $250, $500 or more. Help make GNYADA PAC strong. Make a donation by calling Jennifer at the Association at 718.746.5900 x235.
We are also implementing the new lien release law, enacted last year as a result of GNYADA’s efforts. We can’t do this important work without your contributions. GNYADA’s PAC supports candidates who have demonstrated a willingness to consider dealers’ interests. Through PAC contributions and other outreach efforts, we are able to build
such, the Political Action Committee (PAC) relies on dealer participation to be effective. That participation is needed both as contributions to the Fund and as dealer engagement in political efforts. GNYADA’s top priority this quarter is to strengthen the Franchised Motor Vehicle Dealer Act. The legislation is
NLRB Proposes Union-friendly Rules The National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) has proposed amendments to rules that govern union elections. It has issued a new Notice of Proposed Rule Making (“Notice”) that would make it easier for unions to organize employees. Highlights of the Notice Pre-election hearings will take place seven days after a hearing notice is served, and employers would have to submit position statements by the start of the pre- election hearing. Any issues that the employer does not identify in its position statement would be waived. Employers will be required to 8 n n
an election), and the scope of the voting unit. Pre-election challenges would be severely curtailed. Essentially, the Notice reveals a deter- mination to hold the election first, and ask important questions afterward. The deadline for public comments is April 7, 2014. Dealers should expect these proposed rules to be implement- ed by later this year and plan to get updated training. GNYADA’s Employee Relations Plan (ERP) will provide concrete advice to plan members on what these changes mean to dealers and how to adapt to them. If you are not an ERP member, call Susan Bieber at 718.746.5900 to learn why you should be.
The Board proposes to substantially shorten the period between filing a petition and an election and requiring employers to provide unions with employees’ contact information, including phone numbers and email, quickly. These proposals would make it more difficult for employers to communi- cate effectively with employees and to respond to an organizing campaign in the shorter period before an election.
provide a preliminary voter list by the start of the pre-election hearing. If a dispute involves less than 20% of the bargaining unit, the disputed individuals will be permitted to vote subject to a post-election challenge. Pre-election hearings would be limited to factual disputes concern- ing representation (whether there is a legal basis for holding
Learn practical tips to avoid discrimination and harassment issues in the dealership.
Nora Curtin, Supervisory Trial Attorney, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission James E. McGrath, III, Esq., Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson n n Employee Relations Plan is hosting a special program: Eliminating Harassment/Discrimination in the Workplace June 3, 2014 • 9:30am-11:30am • Center for Automotive Education and Training Speakers:
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Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • March 2014
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