NYIAS Preshow Newsletter
OPENING DAY CELEBRATES 50 YEARS of Zs In April 1969, Datsun introduced the first-ever Z car in America at the New York Auto Show. Fifty years later, NYIAS is celebrating the Z with a parade of historic and current vehicles from the automaker’s own collection plus owner vehicles during the Show’s Opening Day festivities. The event takes place in front of the Javits Center on 11th Avenue and will be officiated by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. In addition to the parade, Nissan race drivers will perform stunts and drifting demonstrations for the gathered crowds and media. The New York Auto Show is also pleased to announce that Toyota will once again donate a brand new RAV4 to a military veteran during the ceremony.
STRIKING 2019 POSTER ART DEBUTS ONLINE This year’s poster design captures so many aspects of the Show by revealing detailed close up automobile images along with sprawling action. “Like the Show that it embodies, it is part adventure and part awe, all in one,” said NYIAS Chairman John LaSorsa.
CARS, COMPUTERS & CAREERS AUTO INDUSTRY VOCATIONAL TRAINING GOES HIGH-TECH The National Automotive Technology Competition brings the entire industry – dealers, OEMs, suppliers, educators and engineers – together to support and promote careers and lifelong learning in the auto industry. This year, 30 teams from across the U.S will complete for the title of America’s Top Technician. As the industry moves towards increasingly complex advanced telematics, high-quality training is increasingly important.
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