New York State Franchise Law for New Car Dealers
VTL Article 16 (EFF. 6/16/14 )
*Text highlighted in blue is new for 2014
415. Registration of manufacturers, dealers, repairmen and others 5. Applicationforregistration.Theapplicationforregistration under this section shall be filed with the commissioner in such form and detail as the commissioner shall prescribe, setting forth: a. Name and residence address of applicant; if an individual, the name under which he intends to conduct business; if a co-partnership, the name and residence address of each member thereof, and the name under which the business is to be conducted; if a corporation, the name of the corporation and the name and residence address of each of the officers. b. The place or places, including the complete address or addresses where the business is to be conducted and, in the case of an application to do business as a new motor vehicle dealer, the names of each line or make of new motor vehicle which a manufacturer or distributor has authorized the applicant to sell from each location and the date of inception of the franchise, as defined in section four hundred sixty-two of this title, which authorizes the applicant to sell such line or make from each location. A copy of each such franchise, or other documentation in lieu thereof satisfactory to the commissioner, shall be submitted to the commissioner at the time of application and upon each renewal of each certificate to do business as a new motor vehicle dealer. b-1. The name and address of the surety company which will issue the bond required by subdivision six-b of this section. If the bond is to be issued by an authorized agent of the surety company licensed by the state, then the name and address of that agent may be provided in lieu of the information concerning the surety company. b-2. A statement indicating any interest in the applicant’s franchise entity by a person or entity described in paragraph f of subdivision seven of this section.
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