2016 GNYADA Membership Directory


Federal Agencies Federal Trade Commission: www.ftc.gov National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: www.nhtsa.gov US Department of Labor: www.dol.gov US Senate: www.senate.gov US House of Representatives www.house.gov Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) www.osha.gov Better Business Bureaus Better Business Bureau 30 E. 33 St, 12th Floor New York, NY 10016 212-533-6200 www.newyork.bbb.org Mid-Hudson 150White Plains Road, Suite 107 Tarrytown NY 10591-5521 MHInquiries@newyork.bbb.org 914-333-0550 Long Island 399 Conklin Street, Suite 300 Farmingdale, NY 11735 LongIslandBBB@newyork.bbb.org

Automotive Associations National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Peter K. Welch, President 8400Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 800-252-NADA www.nada.org American International Automobile Dealers Association (AIADA) Cody Lusk, President 500 Montgomery Street Suite 800 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-519-7800 www.aiada.org National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD) Damon Lester, President 9475 Lottsford Road, Suite 150 Largo, MD 20774 301-306-1614 www.namad.org New York State Automobile Dealers Association (NYSADA) Robert VanCavage, President PO Box 7347 Albany, NY 12224-7347 518-463-1148 www.nysada.com


212-533-6200 516-420-0500


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