2016 GNYADA Membership Directory
Government Relations - Advocacy for Franchised New Car Dealers GNYADA’s experienced team understands that compliance with the laws and regulations for operating new car dealerships in the NewYork metropolitan area is challenging. The Association forges relationships with lawmakers and government agencies to help shape the marketplace for members. Our Government Relations staff actively keeps tabs on what’s happening in the halls of government, supporting legislation that will help dealers and opposing any laws that would hinder or constrain dealership operations. In the past year alone, we have: - Lobbied for the“Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act”, whichwas successfully passed by Congress. - Worked with the New York State legislature on adopting its first-ever incentive program for selling ZEVs. - Aggressively supported legislation to eliminate Vicarious Liability on loaner vehicles. - Defended the Franchise System in the face of rampant“popup”car sellers who circumvented the dealershipmodel. - Moved New York State closer to implementing electronic MV-50s, to greatly streamline the vehicle registration process. - Ushered through state legislation allowing mobility dealers to display and store new vehicles. In order to create more success stories like these, it’s crucial to support political candidates who understand the needs of businesses in New York State and who are willing to listen to your ideas and proposals. The Association has a long history of providing a voice for dealers in Albany. Our staff works closely with franchise law consultants and an Albany lobbying firm to effectively advocate for dealer reforms and prevent harmful legislation from being enacted.
Registration and Title Services For more than 20 years now, DMV-DIRECT service has been expediting motor vehicle paperwork for GNYADA dealers, helping them in the shortest time
possible. The knowledgeable and experienced staff assists with in-state and out-of-state title and registration needs by processing transactions at minimal cost, trouble-shooting problems, and responding to any DMV related questions. DMV-DIRECT is the largest private sector DMV partner and processes DMV work for more than 275 dealers, while maintaining lowest error rate in New York.
DMV-DIRECT Services for Dealers
Lowest Rates in New York
• Registrations – Permanent Documents Issued • Duplicate Titles – Three to five days • Out-of-State — Registration & Title Processing in 42 States • Expedited On-line Registration Process • Connecticut – Plates issued on site • Dial-In Inquiry — for Information Verification
• In-Transit Issued • In-Transit Processing • Process transactions online, in real time
• Duplicate Registrations • Registration Renewals • Title Only Transactions • Plate Surrenders
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