2016 GNYADA Membership Directory
Hundreds of dealers are currently receiving significantly increased warranty parts reimbursement as a result of GNYADA’S legislative victory that amended NewYork’s Franchise Law. Most manufacturers are paying increases to their dealers who properly request increased reimbursement. Every Brand is Different While many manufacturers are paying increased rates for warranty reimbursement, many inconsistencies between brands remain in place. For instance, each manufacturer calculates its reimbursement rate differently. Also, there are extreme variations in which parts should or should not be included on each brand’s spreadsheet. GNYADA can resolve each manufacturer’s spreadsheet issues and is able to prepare a dealer’s warranty parts application according to specific requirements. To date, GNYADA has successfully prepared and submitted hundreds of parts increase requests resulting in large bottom-line increases to dealership profitability. GNYADA’s Warranty Parts Assistance Program This Program was born of dealers requests for assistance in the preparation of manufacturer specific increase applications. This Program alleviates the time consuming and onerous task of in-house preparation of the required application. GNYADA’sWarranty Parts IncreaseTeam stands ready to assist any dealer seeking increased reimbursement for warranty parts.
HAVEN’T SUBMITTED YET? Call Us to Discuss Your Options.
Bill Cordes, bill@gnyada.com Len Telvi, lentelvi@gnyada.com
P: 718.746.5900 F: 718.746.5557 www.gnyada.com
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