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key fob. When they see cars, some young people see expense, responsibility and necessity. Growing up in the

hyper-fast and wide-open Internet age gives them a new perspective on quaint things like Sunday drives.

But like everyone, they need a car – as we all do at some point – so millions are jumping into the funnel. The

challenge, per the 2014 AutoTrader Car Shopper Study, is that they’ve busted the funnel to pieces, and are

asking for a new approach to sales based on some key demands:

70 percent want to start the financing process online.

56 percent want to negotiate in their own way.

Many would rather leave than stick around and wait.

The emerging outline, instead, is that today’s average one hour wait in the F&I office is far too long to wait. Car

buyers, young and old, now have the power and desire to change the way automotive retail works, from the

online experience to the showroom, service bay and beyond. The changes have already started; innovations

like digital retailing aren’t going away. The only question is whether your dealership will be willing and able

to embrace this highly efficient, fluid and online-focused sales and financing experience.

Information provided Courtesy of Dealertrack Technologies 516.547.2242;