November 2023
NEW GNYADA F & I MANAGEMENT ACADEMY Guarantee your F&I office is driving profits to its highest potential.
NEW NEXT LEVEL AUTO SALES Learn how to maximize each and every sales opportunity!
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm INSTRUCTOR Ken Carlson, Director of Training Brown & Brown Dealer Services
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm INSTRUCTOR Ken Carlson, Director of Training Brown & Brown Dealer Services
MEMBER FEE $175.00 NON-MEMBER $300.00
MEMBER FEE $175.00 NON-MEMBER $300.00
Sell more units, hold more gross, and earn excellent CSI scores.
Learn to maximize F&I revenue while increasing customer satisfaction.
This powerful one-day advanced sales training will expose both seasoned veterans and rookies to proven techniques that sell more cars and create higher gross profit. It’s a can’t miss opportunity for anyone on your sales floor not achieving 100% of their potential every month. n Improving the quality of sales conversations n Building Trust and selling from the customer’s point of view: Sell Value not Price n Selling from inventory and switching to Preowned n Selling value through a proper product presentation and demonstration ride n Obtaining a commitment and negotiating for profit Attendees will learn technique for:
This informative one-day course is designed for F&I Managers who are looking to grow their sales skills (selling intangibles) to maximize Profit per Vehicle and Product Penetration in a customer centric environment. Understand why we have customer resistance and how to reduce that resistance. Attendees will also learn how to utilize the Factory Warranty disclosure to create a need for products, logically present a menu, gain commitment, handle questions and objections. n How to grow F&I profits & increase Sales opportunities n How to overcome all customer objections n How to manage the F&I department effectively n Utilizations of Factory Warranty Disclosure Attendees will learn:
NEW MASTERING INBOUND PHONE AND INTERNET SALES Learn how tomake themost of every phone and internet sales opportunity.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Attendees will gain a clear understanding of the importance of getting what you need from the customer up-front while also providing the customer with information in a transparent, efficient, and respectful manner. n How to handle Sales calls and Internet leads efficiently n What information you need to capture from customers and how to use it n How to overcome objections and continue the conversation n Methods for setting appointments from leads and incoming sales calls Attendees will learn:
TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm INSTRUCTOR Mark Rodriguez, Auto Client Care, Inc.
MEMBER FEE $175.00 NON-MEMBER $300.00
Inbound sales calls and Internet leads are the lifeblood of your business. Having trained Sales and BDC representatives who understand how to capture contact information, overcome objections, and set appointments during this inventory shortage is not a should but a must. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to handle inbound sales calls and internet leads professionally.
C E N T E R F O R A U T O M O T I V E E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G
W H I T E S T O N E , Q U E E N S / G N Y A D A . C O M / E D U C A T I O N
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