DMV-DIRECT Newsletter - September 2018
An in-transit permit is a 3 part document issued when a car is moved from one state to another. Part one is required to be displayed in the vehicles’ rear window. Part two is given to the customer as their temporary registration when they leave the dealership. The third part is the tear strip located on the right side of the permit. This part is sent to the NYS DMV along with the following documents for processing: • MV-82ITP • insurance binder • copy of the customer’s driver’s license • copy of the completed and signed MV-50 • copy of the front and back of the MSO/title (and a copy of the lien release, if needed) • copy of the front and back of the completed in-transit permit.
What do you do, if you didn’t make a copy of the completed in-transit permit or accidently misplaced the tear strip (part 3)? Write a letter to DMV-DIRECT on dealership letterhead, explaining why part 3 is missing. Be sure to include the year, make, model, VIN, permit number, customer’s name & address, the date the permit was issued and the reason for not having a copy of the permit or the tear strip.
Maintain a sufficient supply of license plates, MV-50s and inspection stickers.
News is published by a subsidiary of GNYADA, a not-for-profit organization representing franchised new car dealers in the New York metropolitan area. We are located at 18-10 Whitestone Expressway, Whitestone, NY 11357
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