GNYADA November 2015 Newsletter
GNYADA Lends a Hand to NYC Dept. of Education
Professional Development program at the National Teachers Conference in D.C. After the presentation, Gazzillo was thanked for demonstrating how industry and education can success- fully work together to better prepare students for the workplace. GNYADA is proudly becoming a model for Teacher Professional Development programs around the country.
ongoing commitment to promoting automotive technology education among youths. GNYADA provides scholarships for automotive students, offers job shadowing and summer internships, manages the teacher externship program, organizes teacher trainings, participates in auto- motive advisory committees, and provides many other supports for schools, teachers and students. AFT recently invited GNYADA Vice President of Education, Ed Gazzillo, to present the Association’s Teacher
The GNYADA professional develop- ment program for automotive teach- ers has been nationally recognized by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). As a result, the NYC Department of Education recently asked GNYADA to help them in ASE certifying all of their high school tech teachers by June, 2016. In assisting the Dept. and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT).
This dovetails with the Association’s
Medicare “Combo Plans” Can Benefit Both Employers and Employees
Medicare eligible employees have started opting for health coverage that combines Medicare with a Medicare supplement — the latter, often called Medigap, is a privately sold policy that helps cover copayments, coinsur- ance and deductibles. Not only do recipients see financial savings with this combination, they also get broad- er coverage. Employers likewise save money, as they’re spared the cost of insuring that employee through the company health plan. This is a win- win situation. Historically, the vast majority of peo- ple who worked past retirement age rarely opted out of their group cover- age, in favor of Medicare. But the popularity of this new “combo” cov-
payer. But if you have employees working beyond the age of qualifying for Medicare, it’s good for both them and you to be aware of this option. While you can recommend that a worker consider it, there is of course no broad brush that covers every pos- sible scenario and healthcare need. Refer them to a trusted professional for advice, so that they can analyze what the advantages would be under both options, and decide from there. Randy Frey, VP Senior Services, the FNA Group, contributed to this article. If you would like to explore this option for any of your seniors, please contact Michael W. Conway, Executive Director of the GNYADA Insurance Brokerage, at 718.746.8100 or
erage is quickly changing the trend. There are several reasons for this:
In New York State, an employee 66 years of age pays the same premium as a 36-year-old employee, even though the older person has Medicare coverage paying a portion of medical or hospital claims. The ever-increas- ing health plan premiums, as well as significantly high deductibles, make this new form of coverage an attrac- tive option. What should employers do? The potential benefit of this configu- ration of coverage depends on a few factors, including how many people you employ and whether Medicare or your company plan is the primary
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • November 2015
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