GNYADA 2018-2019 Education Book
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8
IMPROVE YOUR HIRING PROCESS attract those who might be open to pursuing the right job opportunity
FIRST CLASS PHONE MANNERS FOR RECEPTIONISTS the musts of telephone best practices
tuesday, october 9, 2018
Wednesday, october 17, 2018
timE 10:00am - 1:00pm inStructor Bill McAndrews, William D. McAndrews & Associates
timE 10:00am - 1:00pm inStructor Mark Rodriguez, Auto Client Care, Inc.
mEmBEr FEE $120.00 non-mEmBEr $200.00
mEmBEr FEE $120.00 non-mEmBEr $200.00
Hiring and retaining the best talent is tough, learn to grow talent!
Learn to gain control of the call, ask the right questions, transfer calls effectively, and close each call successfully.
Having trouble hiring for that desired skill set? Can’t seem to draw in the type of talent you seek? Learn ways to position your dealership in the marketplace as a desired destination for top talent.
This highly interactive seminar provides best practices for all phases of a customer call, including opening, closing, and hold/transfer techniques. Learn what to say to ensure proper etiquette and a positive outcome.
in this course, attendees will learn:
attendees will learn how to:
n Ways to optimize your employer value proposition
n How to create a culture where the best employees want to work n Steps for writing effective career pages and job descriptions n How to empower employees to act as great corporate ambassadors n Techniques to actively build and leverage your brand in the recruitment marketplace
n Identify the components of an effective opening n Avoid the most common telephone etiquette problems n Practice the recommended techniques for transferring callers or putting them on hold n Identify ways to effectively close the call to leave the customer with a positive impression
n Best utilize voicemail communications
GNYADA SALES ACADEMY covering every phase of the selling process, from prospecting to delivery
tuesday, october 9 & Wednesday, october 10, 2018
timE 10:00am - 4:00pm EacH daY inStructor Ken Carlson, F&I Resources
mEmBEr FEE $199.00 non-mEmBEr $350.00
this seminar is a goldmine of surefire techniques to help you win more deals.
Annual Labor Law Seminar October 18, 2018 or October 24, 2018 Dealers are not only expected to be experts in selling and servicing cars, but also in evolving employment laws and regulations. This seminar will update deal- ers on the most significant challenges and provide practical solutions to everyday problems.
This intensive intro to automotive selling is the starting point for all salespeople. The highly interactive two-day Sales Academy equips participants with the tools and techniques to achieve success in automotive sales.
Salespeople will learn:
n Skills in appointment setting and prospecting n How to engage customers and qualify their needs n What to do during walk-a-rounds and test rides n Techniques for working around negative feedback n How to negotiate agreements and close deals
c e n t e r f o r a u t o m o t i v e e d u c a t i o n & t r a i n i n g / w h i t e s t o n e , q u e e n s / g n y a d a . c o m / e d u c a t i o n
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