GNYADA March 2014 Newsletter
19 Affordable Care Act Update
Participants will learn about: NYSERDA’s energy efficiency program offerings Qualifying measures such as light- ing upgrades, VFDs, motor upgrades, economizers, HVAC upgrades, chiller replacements, boiler/furnace upgrades and energy management systems How NYSERDA incentives can benefit auto dealership owners You can register for this webinar at gy_Efficient_Upgrades/register Insurance Exchanges. Model Notices are available for employ- ers who offer health insurance and for those that do not at: Initial COBRA Notice – informs employees about the option of tak- ing COBRA through their employ- er or the Health Insurance Exchange. During the remainder of 2014, employers may not reduce their workforce or the number of hours worked to avoid the status of becom- ing a larger employer (100 or more full-time employees) unless there is a bona fide business reason for such reductions. Michael Conway, Executive Director of the GNYADA Insurance Brokerage is available to help mem- bers’ meet health insurance compli- ance requirements. Michael can be reached at or 718.746.8100. n n n n
The White House has delayed enforcement of another piece of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Mid- sized companies (50 to 99 employ- ees) will not be subject to the “pay or play” mandate until 2016. Businesses with less than 50 full-time employees are not subject to pay or play penalties. Further, large employers (more than 99 employees) must offer qualifying health insurance to 70% of full-time workers in 2015, instead of the origi- nal requirement of 95% of the full- time staff. This is a transitional measure. In 2015, if an employer offers coverage to full-time employees that is neither affordable nor meets the minimum value requirements, the business will be subjected to a penal- ty. Penalties assessed for failure to meet the mandates of the ACA are not tax deductible.
as a subcontractor to DDC vendor Willdan Energy Solutions, is assisting with outreach efforts to educate cus- tomers about NYSERDA’s energy efficiency incentive programs. ERS provides program guidance and administrative support at no cost to ensure a positive program experience from application to incentive payment. Energy Upgrades Webinar GNYADA will host a webinar on April 15 at 11:00am to explain how dealers can save money with energy efficient upgrades to their facilities. What can your dealership do today to comply with the ACA: Determine whether you are a large (100 or more full-time employ- ees), medium (50 -99 employees) or small (fewer than 50 employ- ees) company. Determine whether health cover- age is offered to at least 70% of your full-time employees. Assess the affordability of your lowest-cost single health. Calculate the minimum value of your plan. Now Required: Dealers must provide the following documents to employees: Summary of Benefits and Coverage – ensures that benefits and coverage information is pre- sented in easy to understand lan- guage and can be used to compare to other plans. Model Notices – provide to each employee regardless of status. The notice provides information on the n n n n n n
Funding is Available for Energy Efficient Upgrades
Dealers can now get funding from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to help offset the capital cost of ener- gy efficiency upgrades to dealerships. This means that dealers can receive incentives for installing approved energy-saving technologies. NYSERDA has a Buildings Outreach team that can discuss energy and business priorities and provide assis- tance in understanding and applying for funding opportunities. Energy & Resource Solutions (ERS),
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • March 2014
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