GNYADA March 2014 Newsletter
Team GNYADA Headed to the 2014 Nationals
awarded scholarships at local community colleges that have automotive technology programs. A large number of students
GNYADA thanks the following dealerships for lending vehicles and allowing students to train at their facilities for the 2014 competition:
Bottleless water coolers employ a sealed, airtight system that greatly reduces the risk of water contami- nation by eliminating human con- tact with the water source. Low Maintenance – set-it and for- get-it. Better tasting – bottleless water coolers use quality filters that purify water that protect and shield the product water from all elements. GYNADA members receive 40% off the standard monthly fee, and a bonus of 3 months FREE! Contact Roseann Ruskin 516-733-7600 ext. 635 and mention GNYADA to receive a bonus of the first 3 months FREE!!! n n n who participate in the competition pursue a career in automotive technology – and many are now employed with their mentor dealership. The winners of the NY regional event, Edison High School students Navin Indardeo and Vernon Surujbali will represent GNYADA at the National Competition at the New York International Auto Show on April 22 and 23. Navin and Vernon defeated 39 other teams from 20 different high schools across the greater New York area.
La Sorsa Auto Group Curry Chevrolet Robert Chevrolet, Inc. Lexus of Massapequa Eagle Auto Mall Manfredi Mazda Star Nissan Eagle Auto Mall Star Toyota Smithtown Toyota
The GNYADA-sponsored National Automotive Technology Competition, the premiere competi- tion in the nation, has proven an excellent opportunity for dealers to build relationships with future super- techs. It connects students, local schools, instructors, and the commu- nity to introduce young adults to the auto industry. All participants are
Point of Use Water Coolers Go Green, Save Money and Be Healthy! 22
DMV-DIRECT Does Out-of- State Work
Help your business act responsibly by reducing your consumption of plastics. No more relying on outdated water coolers and water jug deliver- ies. Install point of use water coolers that tap directly into your facility’s main water supply and filters the water. Consult with our GNYADA DDC vendor US Coffee & Office Supplies. Some highlights of POU Coolers A 72% carbon footprint reduction means savings because the cost of transporting, storing and disposing of bottles is eliminated. Stop contributing to landfills and reduce dependence on oil-derived plastics. n n
DMV-DIRECT has the ability to handle registrations, plates, titles and duplicate titles for all 50 states. We are the only agency in NYS with the capacity to process Connecticut title work in-house. We have a short- er turnaround time than most other services and our fees are lower – in many cases as much as $45.00 less per transaction. For information on our fees for processing out-of-state transactions, call DMV-DIRECT at 718.747.0400.
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • March 2014 11
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