GNYADA October 2013 Newsletter
14 Health Care Reforms Become Effective, Following Delays
The NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is administering the program. It is directed toward Class 3 to 8 trucks, which include large pick-ups, delivery vans, box trucks, buses, trac- tor-trailers, garbage trucks, and con- struction vehicles such as cement and dump trucks. Companies, non-profits, and state and local governments can obtain vouch- ers up to $60,000 to purchase electric trucks and buses. Also private and non-profit fleets based in and operat- ing 70 percent of the time in New York City are eligible for vouchers up to $40,000 for the purchase or lease of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Model Notices – most be provided to each employee regardless of sta- tus. The notice provides information on the Marketplace or insurance exchanges. Model notices are avail- able on 03r.pdf . There is a notice available for employers who offer health insur- ance and one for those that do not offer health insurance to their employees. This is effective as of October 1, 2013. Initial COBRA Notice – this form indicates that an employee has the option of taking COBRA through the employer or going to the Insurance Exchange and obtaining coverage there. Give the form to new employ- ees who will be participating in a
company’s health, dental or vision plans within ninety days after their coverage commences. This is effec- tive as of October 1, 2013. Exchanges Open Insurance Exchanges opened October 1, 2013 for individuals and small groups (less than 50 full time employees) Coverage will be effective as of January 1, 2014. Large employers (50 or more full time employees) will not need to determine large employer status until 2015 since no penalty assessments will apply in 2014. The employer penalties only apply to large employ- ers thus small employers are not affected.
Three key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have become effective, even as other parts are delayed until next year. The ACA requires that employers furnish their employees with the following documents: Summary of Benefits and Coverage describes benefits and coverage information in clear lan- guage and is a consistent format to help employees better understand their coverage and more easily com- pare coverage options; effective as of September 23, 2013 upon insur- ance renewal.
NY State Offers $19 Million Truck Incentive
New York has established a $19 million Truck Voucher Incentive Program to encourage the purchase of battery-electric commercial trucks as well as other energy-efficient trans- portation, including hybrid and com- pressed natural gas trucks. Nine million dollars are set aside for battery-electric truck vouchers in counties that did not meet federal clean air standards, including down- state New York. Ten million dollars is earmarked for an alternative fuels voucher fund for New York City, which also includes compressed natural gas, hybrid- electric vehicles and retrofitting diesel engines with emission control devices.
hybrid-electric or battery-electric trucks in the City.
NYSERDA approved vehicle manufacturers, dealers and retrofit providers will receive the vouchers, allowing them to pass on the full incentive in a lower vehicle price to buyers. Approved electric equipment manufacturers include AMP Trucks Inc., Boulder Electric Vehicle, Electric Vehicles International, and Smith Electric Vehicles. For more information on the New York Truck-Voucher Incentive Program, visit
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013
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