GNYADA October 2013 Newsletter
To read these stories and get the latest news online, visit the GNYADA website at
For Dealer Principals / General Managers / Sales Managers The Newsletter A Publication of Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association
OCT 2013 Volume 23, Issue 8
GNYADA Economic Impact Report Published page 2
FTC Investigates Price Competition Issues page 4 Legislators Meet with Dealers page 6
GNYADA’s Board of Directors kicked off this year's coat drive at the CAET
on their website. You’ll not only get a warm feeling of helping New Yorkers to survive the coming winter, but you will also drive traffic into your showroom as the public drops off their coat donations. New York Cares will provide signage for collection sites in your showroom and service department. Drop off a Coat Attending a class or seminar at the Center for Automotive Education & Training? Coming to the GNYADA office? Bring a gently worn coat to donate. Please contact Jennifer at the Association by phone at 718.746.5900 ext. 235 or email and let us know if you would like to become a collection site.
GNYADA is again teaming up with New York Cares to collect winter coats to donate to those less fortunate. Join us in this effort. In the 25 years since the coat drive’s incep- tion, we have seen a steady increase in demand for warm coats in our city – home- less families, the working poor, at-risk sen- ior citizens – and that need reached an all- time high last year in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Healthcare Reform Update page 8
New RobocallLimits page 9
Welcome New Members page 12
GNYADA members have an opportunity to be a part of this effort.
The Newsletter is published by GNYADA, a not-for-profit organization representing franchised automobile dealers in the New York metro area. 18-10 Whitestone Expressway Whitestone, New York, 11357
Become a coat collection site! Sign up your dealership as a public collec- tion site and help us donate more coats than ever before!
Dealer Hotline 718.746.5900
This year’s goal is 500 coats. With your help we can achieve it. Thank you.
Your dealership will be listed in all of New York Cares ’ press releases, flyers, and
The Newsletter • October 2013 1
Metro Area New Car Sales Outpace Rest of U.S. 2
The market is on track to post its fourth consecutive annual increase in 2013. The full report is enclosed in the GNYADA Newsletter and a digital copy is available for download at .
also shows that in September, area new retail market increased an esti- mated 1.8% versus a year earlier. The small increase is due primarily to the timing of the Labor Day holiday, which resulted in many weekend sales being recorded in August of this year instead of September.
The metro New York new vehicle market maintained its winning streak during the first nine months of 2013, outpacing the rest of the nation with sales up 10.4% versus 8.8% elsewhere.
GNYADA’s Auto Outlook publication
GNYADA Debuts New Auto Outlook Starting this month, Auto Outlook – GNYADA’s informative quarterly recap and forecasting newsletter – will get a complete new look, more timely data, and will be published monthly, providing dealers with the latest vehicle sales information faster than ever before. truck sales, monthly new retail light vehicle registrations, percent change in area and U.S. new vehicle markets, and new vehicle market forecasts. In addition, a ‘Quick Facts’ section has also been added to highlight important, timely information. 3
analysis and forecasting data avail- able about the greater New York area’s new and used car market. The monthly report will contain data on all brands and vehicle type and highlight percentage change and market share information.
With more than 20 charts, Auto Outlook is the most comprehensive
The new newsletter will contain details on all metro area retail car and
The main findings in the report, first previewed for GNYADA members in last month’s Newsletter , shows that franchised new car dealers in the New York metro area sold 429,000 new and used cars – inject- ing $27.1 billion into the economy while helping to sustain a workforce of nearly 58,000. Jobs and the economic importance of GNYADA’s members to the local and state economy are two of the retail automobile industry’s most important messages when reaching out to policymakers and the media.
To inform and influence these key groups, GNYADA has implemented a comprehensive strategy to distrib- ute the 2013 GNYADA Economic Impact Report. The campaign includes individual- ized releases for national, state, and local media, as well as targeted dis- tribution to key legislators and county executives. A copy of the report will be mailed shortly. For additional copies of the report, please contact GNYADA at 718.746.5900.
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013
New Record Retention Schedule
and Environmental – with important new records in the employment and environmental sections. It is a guide for keeping dealership records. At GNYADA’s request, the Department of Motor Vehicles pro- vided updated information showing which documents may now be saved electronically. How the record retention periods were determined The periods are set by either federal or state laws, while others are con- sidered best practices for dealerships. In some instances, you may wish to consider saving some records (such as repair orders) for longer than the time suggested on the chart. The two-year retention period for repair orders is based on DMV Regulations. However, other situa- tions, such as a warranty or contract dispute, may require you to produce a repair order four or six years after
the waranty or contract has expired. Dealers should retain documents until the mandated retention period expires and the records are no longer useful to the dealership. Once a determination is made to dispose of specific records, be sure to do so securely. Dealers must securely destroy any records containing non- public information (e.g., customer’s personal information). GNYADA thanks the following for their assistance in the preparation of this resource guide: James E. McGrath, III, Esq., Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson; Steve Rosenblatt, CPA, Rosenblatt, Levittan, Vulpis & Goetz; Joe Heaney, III, PE, Walden Associates and The DMV. Call Sue Bieber at 718.746.5900 for more information regarding record retention. n n n n
DEALER RECORD RETENTION This record retention chartprovidesgeneral information regarding retentionofmanydealership recordsanddoesnot constitute legal advice.The retentionperiods listedareminimum suggestedperiods,however,businesspracticeor lawmay requirepreserving records fora longerperiodof time. Dealers are permitted to store some business records electronically; however, you should proceed cautiously asmany rules continue to require theoriginalpaper format.The same retention rulesapply toelectronic records. Electronic recordsmustbeeasilyaccessible duringanaudit.Youshouldconsultwithyourdealershipattorneyand/oraccountanttoensurethatyourrecordretentionpracticemeets federaland stateguidelinesand isappropriate foryourbusiness.For speci cadvice, consultyour legaloraccountingprofessional.
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GNYADA has updated one of its most popular guides, the Record Retention Schedule for Dealers . A copy is enclosed with this Newsletter . A New Feature This schedule is organized into six categories: DMV, Accounting, Business, Consumer, Employment,
If your current Workers’ Comp (WC) insurance requires a 60-day notifica- tion in order for you to consider another carrier or shop around, now is the time to act. GNYADA’s Insurance Brokerage can provide the letter you need to notify your carrier. That Reservation of Rights letter will not cancel or change your current policy in any way. Some WC carriers will charge penal- ties if they receive a cancellation notice without a Reservation of
Rights letter having been sent timely. GNYADA’s Insurance Brokerage can help you obtain a quote and avoid penalties if you contact us prior to your 60-day deadline. Act today and find out how much you can save on WC premiums. The GNYADAWorkers’ Compensation Program is fully insured and offered thru Magna Carta companies. We offer:
Managed care discount credits up to 10% – save off the already dis- counted premium. Individually underwritten policies; you benefit from premium savings and a dividend. Take advantage of this great member- ship opportunity and join other deal- ers who have reduced Worker’s Comp costs. Please feel free to con- tact Michael Conway for more infor- mation and to get a “Reservation of Rights” letter. Contact Michael at 718.746.8100 or .
Policy flexibility – No Fees, No Long-Term Commitments, No Penalties.
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013 3
FTC Investigates Price Competition Issues
8 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating whether deal- ers colluded to block TrueCar in 2011 and 2012 over concerns regard- ing vehicle price competition. The FTC revealed in a letter that it is investigating whether some dealer- ships committed anticompetitive acts “by agreeing to refuse to deal with TrueCar .” During 2010 and 2011, dealers criti- cized TrueCar 's model and some par- ticipating dealers dropped TrueCar . TrueCar , prodded by dealers, subse- quently changed some of its methods and some dealers have since rejoined Automobile Dealer Advertising is overseen by multiple agencies. Of those, the New York Attorney General’s Office and the Federal Trade Commission are independently reviewing current dealer advertising activity. New York Advertising Guidlines The A.G.’s guidelines say that selling a vehicle for more than the adver- tised price is deceptive unless the ad requires the consumer to mention or produce the ad to obtain that price. The A.G. told a dealer who did not include that requirement in the con- tent of his ads, and who did not sell vehicles at the advertised price, to send refunds to customers to reflect the lower price – regardless if those customers knew about the lower price had been advertised.
the site. A number of state regulators questioned whether TrueCar was violating state advertising and consumer laws in 2012. TrueCar CEO Scott Painter said in an interview that the investigation did not stem from a complaint by TrueCar . The FTC has not disclosed the scope of its investigation and would not even confirm that an investigation is underway. Anti-trust enforcement The FTC enforces the anti-trust laws to promote vigorous competition and protect consumers from anticompeti- The Attorney General “requested” the dealer to “review all contracts for the last three years whereby the actual selling price was higher than the advertised selling price” and requested refunds for “all such over- charges.” Feds Focus on “Discount” Ads The FTC has issued proposed con- sent orders to two dealers regarding rebate ads on their websites. One dealer advertised particular models at a specific dealer discount when the rebates were available for some, but not all, of the models advertised. In the other case, the dealer adver- tised specific dealer discounts and prices even though there were signif- icant restrictions on the availability of the discounts. Some rebates required being a member of the
tive business practices. Agreements that tend to raise prices or to restrain trade are per se illegal. Those include agreements among competitors to fix prices or output, rig bids, or share or divide markets by allocating customers, suppliers, territories, or lines of commerce. The Department of Justice prose- cutes participants in hard-core “cartel” agreements criminally. Dealers should adopt and enforce anti-trust compliance policies in their businesses.
A.G. and FTC Scrutinize Dealer Advertising
military, being a recent college grad- uate, possessing a bank account at a particular bank, or owning a vehicle on which there is a lien. What a dealer can do Dealers should establish, distribute and enforce an ad compliance policy. Designate and train an “advertising compliance officer” (who may be someone on your staff, an outside contractor, or your attorney) to review all ad copy – in every medium. If, despite your best efforts, your dealership runs a non-compliant ad, penalties may be mitigated if you can demonstrate that the dealership has an ad compliance policy and has made good faith efforts to enforce it.
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013
New NYS Emissions Program – NYVIP2 BE READY FOR DECEMBER 1
Now that dealers who want to remain inspection stations have ordered their new emissions inspection equipment, what’s next? If you placed an order for the new equipment, shipping has already begun; you can track the sta- tus of your order on the Systech website at: .
When you receive your new equip- ment, detailed instructions for setting up and testing the equipment are included. Dealers are advised to immediately open the box and test the new equipment to ensure it is working.
problems while testing your new equipment, immediately contact the Systech help desk at 866-623-8378. GNYADA held a webinar to help dealers get up to speed. That webinar and a PowerPoint can be found at: nyvip2.
DMV has begun the transition to the new system. If you discover any
Email Advertising Compliance Basics
General rules Here are the general requirements under the CAN-SPAM Act: Don’t use false or misleading header information. Your “From,” “To,” “Reply-To,” email address must be accurate. Don’t use deceptive subject lines. It must accurately reflect the message’s content. Disclose clearly that the message is an advertisement. Tell recipients where you’re located – include a physical postal address. Tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future emaisl from you. Honor opt-out requests promptly.
Monitor what others are doing on your behalf. If you hire anoth- er company to handle your email marketing, you are still responsible for compliance. Penalties Each separate email in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act is subject to penalties of up to $16,000, so non- compliance can be costly. Make sure that your email marketing and advertising agency is familiar with these rules. It would also be prudent to ask them to indemnify you – in writing – in the event there are any violations.
If you use email to advertise your business, then you need to know what the CAN-SPAM Act requires. Recipients of your email have the right to tell you to stop emailing to them. Federal Law also provides tough penalties for violations. The CAN-SPAM Act doesn’t apply only to bulk email. It covers all com- mercial messages – meaning any email, the primary purpose of which is an advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service. It includes email that promotes your website, business to business emails, and emails to established customers.
11 In-House Title/Registration Service Available
GNYADA is working with Dealertrack Technologies to provide dealers with the ability to complete on-line title and registrations in the dealership. This service is available to GNYADA member dealers. Those who have used the service report the benefits of in-house title and registration include:
Information is uploaded from your computer system to Dealertrack . Registration fees are calculated to the exact amount. Dealers are instantly informed of errors in the documentation (e.g. scofflaw, insurance lapse). Customers are extremely satisfied when they drive off with plates Billers continue using same sys-
tems to process DMV paperwork. License plates and in-transits are automatically restocked without additional fees to the dealer. If you are interested in learning more about this money-saving, customer friendly program, please contact Jean Marie in DMV-DIRECT at 718.747.0400. n
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013 5
GNYADA, Dealers Meet with State Legislators 12
GNYADA dealers have been holding meetings with state legislators in our region to discuss GNYADA’s legislative agenda, including the pending franchise law amendments and the importance of preventing new factory-owned stores. Dealers have invited legislators to meet in their dealer- ships. Nearly 20 meetings have been held or are sched- uled, so far. Here is a list of some of those meetings:
Senator Dean Skelos Senator Charles Fuschillo Senator Lee Zeldin Senator Phil Boyle Senator John Flanagan Senator Michael Gianaris Senator Jeff Klein Senator Jack Martins
Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel
These meetings are important to GNYADA’s legislative efforts in Albany. Dealers who wish to participate or host one of these meetings at their dealership are invited to call Stuart Rosenthal, 718.746.5900.
Dealers meeting with (clockwise, from the top) with Senator Boyle, Assemblywoman Schimel, Sentator Martins, Senator Gianaris and Senator Flanagan.
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013
13 Dealers Visit Nation’s Capitol to Push Auto Agenda
GNYADA member dealers joined dealers from across the country in the nation’s capital in September to par- ticipate in the annual NADA Washington Legislative Conference. GNYADA dealers met with New York’s U.S. Senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, and with members of the House of Representatives from our region. Dealers addressed crucial issues: Recent “Guidance” issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) could force banks to eliminate dealer participation in n
finance reserves. Dealers asked the legislators to rein in this over- reaching by the CFPB. Pending legislation would require dealers and rental car companies to repair all open recalls before a vehicle could be used as a loaner or rented. Senator Schumer, the co-sponsor of this legislation agreed to review the language. Dealers reminded legislators about the importance of preserving LIFO accounting methods upon which many dealers rely.
Dealers discussed potential threats to the franchise system from facto- ry stores, reinforcing the impor- tance of the franchise system, and asking legislators to be wary of any requests they receive to pre- empt state franchise laws. Dealers highlighted the hugely important impact that dealerships have on the economy and jobs. Legislators were receptive to dealer concerns, and GNYADA and NADA have continued to followed up on these key issues with them. n
New York area dealers spent several days in Washington (before the federal shutdown!) to advance legislation to preserve the franchise system.
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013 7
14 Health Care Reforms Become Effective, Following Delays
The NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is administering the program. It is directed toward Class 3 to 8 trucks, which include large pick-ups, delivery vans, box trucks, buses, trac- tor-trailers, garbage trucks, and con- struction vehicles such as cement and dump trucks. Companies, non-profits, and state and local governments can obtain vouch- ers up to $60,000 to purchase electric trucks and buses. Also private and non-profit fleets based in and operat- ing 70 percent of the time in New York City are eligible for vouchers up to $40,000 for the purchase or lease of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Model Notices – most be provided to each employee regardless of sta- tus. The notice provides information on the Marketplace or insurance exchanges. Model notices are avail- able on 03r.pdf . There is a notice available for employers who offer health insur- ance and one for those that do not offer health insurance to their employees. This is effective as of October 1, 2013. Initial COBRA Notice – this form indicates that an employee has the option of taking COBRA through the employer or going to the Insurance Exchange and obtaining coverage there. Give the form to new employ- ees who will be participating in a
company’s health, dental or vision plans within ninety days after their coverage commences. This is effec- tive as of October 1, 2013. Exchanges Open Insurance Exchanges opened October 1, 2013 for individuals and small groups (less than 50 full time employees) Coverage will be effective as of January 1, 2014. Large employers (50 or more full time employees) will not need to determine large employer status until 2015 since no penalty assessments will apply in 2014. The employer penalties only apply to large employ- ers thus small employers are not affected.
Three key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have become effective, even as other parts are delayed until next year. The ACA requires that employers furnish their employees with the following documents: Summary of Benefits and Coverage describes benefits and coverage information in clear lan- guage and is a consistent format to help employees better understand their coverage and more easily com- pare coverage options; effective as of September 23, 2013 upon insur- ance renewal.
NY State Offers $19 Million Truck Incentive
New York has established a $19 million Truck Voucher Incentive Program to encourage the purchase of battery-electric commercial trucks as well as other energy-efficient trans- portation, including hybrid and com- pressed natural gas trucks. Nine million dollars are set aside for battery-electric truck vouchers in counties that did not meet federal clean air standards, including down- state New York. Ten million dollars is earmarked for an alternative fuels voucher fund for New York City, which also includes compressed natural gas, hybrid- electric vehicles and retrofitting diesel engines with emission control devices.
hybrid-electric or battery-electric trucks in the City.
NYSERDA approved vehicle manufacturers, dealers and retrofit providers will receive the vouchers, allowing them to pass on the full incentive in a lower vehicle price to buyers. Approved electric equipment manufacturers include AMP Trucks Inc., Boulder Electric Vehicle, Electric Vehicles International, and Smith Electric Vehicles. For more information on the New York Truck-Voucher Incentive Program, visit
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013
New Rule Limits Robocalls Effective October 16 Complaints about automated calls to cell phones have pushed the FCC to strengthen regulations under the One of the major changes to the new rules require dealers to get express written consent prior to making and messages sent on your behalf. Get these from customers with 16
whom you had an existing business relationship. Remember that an opt- out feature is required in all prere- corded telemarketing calls. You must still avoid calls to anyone on your "Do-Not-Call" list. Additional information about the new FCC rules can be found at .
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). TCPA limits automated or prerecorded calls – so called “Robocalls.” The changes took effect Oct. 16, 2013 and apply to telemar- keting calls and text messages. Violations may result in fines of up to $16,000 per violation.
Robocalls. The established business relationship exemption to the consent requirement has been eliminated for these calls. In order to comply with the new rules dealers should use written or website consent forms for recipients of autodialed and prerecorded calls
17 New Hazard Communication Standard
Dealers face a December 2013 dead- line to train employees in new Hazard Communication Standards. OSHA adopted the new standards to line up with the United Nation’s Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. The purpose is to help reduce injuries and fatalities by improving the quality, consistency and clarity of the chemical hazard infor- mation in the workplace. What has changed? This new system changes the way hazards are classified and products are labeled. Material Safety Data Sheets
dealers need to do. Dealers can satisfy training requirements through onsite or online training and documentation. Update Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) All Safety Data Sheets must have the new format by June 1, 2015. Dealers will start receiving SDSs from manu- facturers. Save updated versions of SDSs received in a file for reference. This article is provided by KPA, an Allied Member of GNYADA providing Environment & Safety services for auto dealers. If you have additional questions, please contact KPA at or 800.853.9659.
(MSDS) will be replaced by Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and will have a new, uniform look. Employee training programs will have to be updated. Four updated areas of the Hazard Communication Standard: Employee Training Safety Data Sheets (formerly called Material Safety Data Sheets) Product Labels Hazard classification What does this mean to dealers? Most of the burden of complying falls on manufacturers, importers, and dis- tributors, but there are a few things n n n n
18 Reynolds + Reynolds Offers Special to Members The holiday season is a busy time of the year; get a start on your holiday mailers. This fall, GNYADA DDC member Reynolds Document get discounts up to $300 (some restrictions apply). Offer, disclaimer and expiration date Choice of vehicle n n
Mailers can be personalized with the following information: Customer name in body of the mailer n
Services is offering a discount on holiday tri-fold mailers. The mailers are available in 21 templates, includ- ing Thanksgiving, New Year’s, and general holiday designs. Depending on the quantity ordered, dealers will
For more information about holiday mailers contact your local Reynolds Document Consultant, download MailerFlyer.pdf , call 866.344.0996 or email .
Dealership logo Signature, title Hours, phone number, website
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013 9
Acquired a New Dealership? Apply for a Provisional Dealer License 19
dealership, Millennials actually enjoy browsing the lot more than older generations. However, they’re also more likely than older generations to go out of their way to avoid interact- ing with dealership staff. Millennials visit the dealership to question experts who can answer their questions and to touch and test the car before making a purchase. They value salespeople who provide the information they seek in a no- pressure way. GNYADA will conduct seminars on selling to the next generation throughout November and December. can complete sales of vehicles. However, Provisional Dealers may not use the selling dealer’s plates, MV-50s, or inspection stickers. Provisional licenses eliminate the need for an “operating agreement” with the selling dealer. If a new car dealer, who is buying a dealership, wishes to apply for a Provisional License, the regular new car facility and the provisional dealer license applications must be submit- ted at the same time. Dealers are advised to complete these applica- tions as early as possible in the process, and certainly prior to closing the deal. Provisional Dealers have, “the same rights and privileges as are granted to the holder of a new motor vehicle dealer registration,” and are subject
The Digital Road to a Sale Wednesday, November 06, 2013 Effective Proactive Outbound Deployment Thursday, November 07, 2013 Grow Your Business on YouTube Thursday, November 21, 2013 Turn Social Network Leads into Revenue Wednesd ay, December 04, 2013 To register for GNYADA’s Center for Automotive Education & Training seminars, please contact Carole Rogner at 718.640.2012 or via email, . to the same requirements, as well. A Provisional License is also subject to suspension by the Commissioner for the same reasons as a New Motor Vehicle Dealer License. GNYADA Can Help with Your Licensing Needs If you plan to purchase a new dealership, call GNYADA to discuss your license and bond requirements. Dealers who move, change their dealership name, change their corpo- rate structure, add or remove a fran- chise, or change their type of inspec- tion station need to complete and submit to DMV a Request for Business Amendment/Duplicate Certificate . Additionally, changes to your business may require you to obtain a rider to your bond. Call Jennifer Berman or Sue Bieber at 718.746.5900 for assistance.
20 A new study from reveals that when it comes to car shopping, Millennials depend heavily on research to help drive their pur- chase decisions. Millennials rely more on word-of- mouth when shopping for a car than other generations, and most of that is face-to-face. They’re also most likely to be first introduced to their car of choice through a family member or friend, unlike Baby Boomers who are most likely to be first introduced to their car on the dealership lot. Congratulations! You just purchased a new or existing dealership in New York State – now what do you do? First, take advantage of a new DMV option; apply for a Provisional Dealer Registration and Inspection Station License . In response to requests by GNYADA, DMV has changed its licensing rules to allow dealers to operate a new dealership under a Provisional License while waiting for the Permanent License application to be processed. Developing a provisional registration process has been a priority for GNYADA. Provisional Dealers can obtain their own supply of MV-50s, dealer plates, and inspection stickers (under a pro- visional inspection license) so they
Selling to the Next Generation of Car Buyers
When it comes time to head to the
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013
21 GNYADA Membership Is Your Asset: Renew Your Membership Today!
them. In addition, we also offer members an easy way to obtain information at , in the member-only areas of our website. Your membership dollars and support also allows us to have an important strategic presence in Albany and Washington on your behalf. Keeping dealers’ concerns at the top of legislators’ agendas is a prioritiy. When you donate to the GNYADA Pro-Dealer Political Action Fund (PAC), we can support those legis- lators who have demonstrated con- cern for dealers’ issues. It is criti- cally important that every dealer supports the Association’s PAC so that we can continue the important work we do to protect dealer interests.
GNYADA’s education programs and materials continue to expand. We produce materials for seminars on digital marketing and business development classes. Whether you rely on GNYADA for the extraordinary or the day-to-day issues that dealers face, we are here working for you. Our goals are to support, promote and to be your advocate all year round. We are here for you! Renew your membership today. If you would like to renew over the phone by credit card, or if you have questions, please call Jennifer Berman at 718.746.5900 or email her at . n
For more than one hundred years, the Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association (GNYADA) has focused on providing dealers with the tools and resources they need to help them with the day-to-day running of their businesses. While the long-term outlook for the industry is better, the increase in complex legislation, such as the Affordable Care Act , is a reminder that it is more important than ever to have an organization like GNYADA to turn to for help, every day. The range of benefits and programs that are available to members are vitally important to dealers’ opera- tions and we know you’ll want to renew now to avoid interuption! Every day, dealers contact our hotline, ask us for advice, help and clarification on issues that impact n
We look forward to continuing to serve you in 2014.
GNYADA’s 2014 Membership Calendars IN YOUR MAILBOX SOON 22
GNYADA has again produced a cus- tomized calendar providing a three- month ‘at-a-glance’ view and infor- mation about dates that are important to the operation of your dealership. GNYADA will mail the calendar to each dealership. Additional copies can be obtained from Bill Cordes when he visits your dealership or by contacting the Association directly at 718.746.5900. This long-term planning tool will help keep you apprised of key mile- stones throughout the year.
Preprinted on each page are impor- tant tax, legal, and HR compliance deadlines allowing you to easily plan ahead. We extend a special ‘thank you’ to GNYADAAllied members who provided much of the compliance information found on this calendar:
Compli (503.963.4216)
The Mironov Group (732.572.3900)
Rosenblatt, Levittan, Vulpis, Goetz & Co (516.326.8282)
Cyruli Shanks Hart & Zizmor LLP (212.661.6800)
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013 11
Welcome New Members
GNYADA’s Employment Corner is a free recruiting and job placement service that lists qualified candidates for positions at dealerships. If you have a position to fill, call 718.640.2012 .
GNYADA proudly welcomes these businesses as new members:
New Vehicle Dealers: Arroway Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram East Hills Subaru
570 571 572 573 574 575
Bookkeeper/Deal Poster
Brooklyn (2) Danbury, CT
Maserati of Manhattan Mazda of New Rochelle
Franklin Square
Allied Members: IDDS Group KPA
Digital Retailing/Media
576 577 578 579 580
F & I Manager
Dix Hills
Sales Manager Sales Manager
Massapequa Park
Saint James
Annual Tax Forum NOV. 14, 2013 9:00am -12:30pm Center for Automotive Education & Training
(New & Pre-Owned)
Maintenance Parts Manager Service Assistant
College Point Mount Vernon Long Beach Massapequa
581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588
Service Cashier/Receptionist
Service Manager
Save the Date
North Bellmore
Seaford Corona
Warranty Administrator
Tax-related issues continue be a burden for dealership personnel. GNYADA’s pro- gram will help dealers comply with the myriad of tax rules impacting business. Experts will address many topics affecting day-to-day operations including year-end tax requirements, internal controls and safeguards, handling complicated fuel tax forms and a discussion of sales tax issues. Dealers will also have an opportunity to hear more about the valuable resource A Guide to Sales Tax for Automobile Dealers. Please call Ann Daly at 718.746.5900 to reserve your seat.
Contact Us: 18-10 Whitestone Expressway | Whitestone, NY | 11357 Dealer Hotline: 800.245.4640 GNYADA Headquarters: 718.746.5900 E-Mail: DMV-Direct: 718.747.0400 GNYADA Insurance Brokerage, LLC: 718.746.5900 New York International Automobile Show: 718.746.5300 Center for Automotive Education and Training: 718.640.2000
The information contained in this newsletter may not be relied upon for the avoidance of tax penalties. Readers are urged to discuss any issues raised in this newsletter with their legal and tax professionals. Printed on FSC certified material. All original material except where noted. © GNYADA 2013
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • October 2013
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