
November 2022

THE MANAGEMENT TRANSITION: KEY SKILLS FOR NEW SUPERVISORS Successfully adjust to the changing expectations of your boss, peers, and subordinates.

NEW INTERMEDIATE MICROSOFT EXCEL Build on your basic Excel knowledge and earn a certificate.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


TIME 10:00am - 5:00pm INSTRUCTOR Ade Norman, Noble Desktop

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


TIME 10:00am - 1:00pm INSTRUCTOR BIll McAndrews,

MEMBER FEE $225.00 NON-MEMBER $450.00

WilliamD. McAndrews & Associates

MEMBER FEE $120.00 NON-MEMBER $200.00

This Excel class focuses on advanced formula functions, sort & filter, and PivotTables. You’ll also learn crucial text- related features like splitting and joining text, removing duplicates, and data validation. Embedded in the course are pivotal time-saving tricks like Paste Special, keyboard shortcuts, and navigation techniques. Attendees will receive a certificate upon completion of the course. Attendees will need to bring their own computer and Excel program to the class.

You’ve recently been selected to become a new supervisor. Now you’re faced with leading a team, managing workloads, and meeting new objectives. Learn how to successfully handle your new responsibilities.

Attendees will learn how to:

n Develop credibility with their team

n Plan, monitor, and communicate for success n Motivate, delegate work, and deal with difficult situations n Increase team productivity and satisfaction n Use different supervisory styles based on the situation

Attendees will learn how to:

n Use navigation tricks & shortcuts n Summarize data with PivotTables n Work with the VLOOKUP function

n Join and split text, create drop-down menus, and sort & filter data

n Utilize tricks to speed up workflow n Use logical functions: IF, AND, OR


This seminar features speakers with the knowledge, expertise and communication skills to explain tax requirements and share practical solutions and planning strategies relating to day-to-day state and local tax is­ sues that dealers face.


C E N T E R F O R A U T O M O T I V E E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G

W H I T E S T O N E , Q U E E N S / G N Y A D A . C O M / E D U C A T I O N

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