
March 2023

SUCCESSFUL TEAM MANAGEMENT Winning teams are made – they don’t just happen.

NEW SETTING UP AN EFFECTIVE F&I COMPLIANCE PROGRAM Learn to make F&I compliance a habit at your dealership.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


TIME 10:00am - 1:00pm INSTRUCTOR Bill McAndrews,

Thursday, March 16, 2023


WilliamD. McAndrews & Associates

TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm INSTRUCTOR Max Zanan, Total Dealer Compliance

MEMBER FEE $120.00 NON-MEMBER $200.00

MEMBER FEE $175.00 NON-MEMBER $300.00

Learn strategies and facilitation techniques for building great teams and creating successful team dynamics. You will develop skills that enhance communication and trust and align teammembers around shared goals so they can effectively plan, communicate, execute, and deliver.

Understand the benefits of a Compliance program and how to enforce one at the dealership.

This course is designed to provide a thorough overview of an effective F&I compliance programwith a focus on hiring and retaining ethical finance managers, appointing the right compliance officer, conducting regular trainings, installing internal and external audits, while increasing customer satisfaction and dealership profits.

Attendees will learn:

n How to deal with low performers n Key tips for building successful teams

n How to develop, coach, and motivate your team n Methods for setting goals and tracking performance

Attendees will learn: To recognize major risks in F&I n

n How to develop winning team players

Install an effective compliance program Understand applicable F&I Regulations Consequences of unethical and non- compliant practices




Creating a culture of compliance


WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING: Great refresher on what I need to know and added a lot of information I need to understand. MONIQUE WESTBURY TOYOTA


C E N T E R F O R A U T O M O T I V E E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G

W H I T E S T O N E , Q U E E N S / G N Y A D A . C O M / E D U C A T I O N

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