GNYADA February 2014 Newsletter
21 GNYADAWorkers’ Comp Plan Saves Dealers Money
highest demand on themselves. The more you demand of yourself the easier it will be to show others how to achieve success. They focus on making a contribu- tion in whatever you do. It is not about what the organization does for you, but the contribution you make to the organization and for the people who work for you. The more you focus on helping your team grow the greater the commit- ment and effort you will get from your team. Managers, however, dance on a fault line – they either have the behaviors that inspire followers to do what they otherwise may not be willing to do, and without creating any psychologi- cal distress, or they do not and the costs will escalate and ripple for a long time. n Dealers are demonstrating confi- dence in GNYADA’s insured pro- gram after having been hurt by the losses in the defunct self-insured pro- gram. The potential for savings and promise of service have also over- come the burdensome requirements and roadblocks thrown up by Safety Group 430. Dealers told GNYADA they need alternatives that not only saves money, but offers quality insurance from a respected insurance carrier and top shelf service. The Brokerage meets those needs. We look forward to working with any dealership, and urge dealers who have a Workers’
Comp upcoming renewal date to contact us now for a quote.
The GNYADA Insurance Brokerage Workers’ Comp program got off to a great start this year. Dealers who have joined GNYADA’s Workers’ Comp program are enjoying terrific savings and first class service. The Brokerage has obtained price quotes for many dealers and routinely the GNYADA plan has significantly saved dealers on their premiums. In fact, one dealer saved more than $100,000! How do we do it? GNYADA’s Workers’ Comp policies are fully insured, individually underwritten, and dividend paying.
GNYADA Insurance Brokerage is the only Brokerage in the State of New York that has an exclusive right to offer Magna Carta’s Workers’ Compensation Program to automo- bile dealerships. Michael Conway and his staff are ready to assist you to reduce your premiums, obtaining first class risk management, and out- standing claim service. Michael can be reached at 718.746.8100 or
Being a Good Manager Means Managing People Well 22
Good managers attract exceptional staff; they make the dealership a pre- ferred employer; they help to increase market share; add to profits and sur- pluses, and reduce costs. Their staff are engaged, committed and ‘go the extra mile’.
GNYADA thanks William D. McAndrews for preparing this. Mr. McAndrews will be teaching a management class “Dealing with Difficult People” at the CAET on April 8, 2014. Email Carole Rogner at or call 718.640.2012 to register.
Here are three basic precepts to becoming a great leader and manager:
They work hard at gaining profes- sional expertise and acquiring the talent to motivate and inspire oth- ers to achieve. They don’t give orders; rather they build trust and credibility encouraging those around them to “go the extra mile” and they lead by example. They hold themselves accountable and recognize their responsibility for their own development. They strive for excellence and place the
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • February 2014
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