GNYADA February 2014 Newsletter
GNYADA’s Popular Warranty Guide Available 14
We are pleased to include with this newsletter a compli- mentary copy of the 2014 Official Warranty Guide as part of your GNYADA membership. This guide provides dealers with detailed warranty information for every make and model automobile.
Discount Program and offers exceptional pricing for dealers Surety Bonds. For more information on how to save money on your Surety Bonds, contact GNYADA Membership Services Director, Jennifer Berman at 718.746.5900.
GNYADA would like to extend its thanks Brown & Brown of New York for their financial contribution towards the cost of production of these Guides.
Brown & Brown is a member of GNYADA’s Dealer
15 GNYADA at NADA Convention
Miller of Manhattan Motor Cars; Director Mark Lacher of Koeppel Nissan; and Director and committee chair, Gary Schimmerling. Dealer participation in the political process is critical to ensuring our industry’s future. A key way dealers can get involved is by supporting NADA’s DEAC. Established in 1975, DEAC is the only political action committee representing the interests of franchised dealers of both domes- tic and imported new cars and trucks. GNYADA and NADA appreciate those who have contributed and encourage all dealers to consider making contributions. It’s not too late to contribute. Clinton Praises GNYADA at NADA GNYADA was commended by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the NADA Convention for its commitment to training and job creation. “When I had the privilege of repre- senting NY in the Senate, I got to know a lot of the dealers from our state. I worked with Mark Schienberg and the GNYADA on a number of issues,” said Mrs. Clinton.
GNYADA Recognized at NADA for DEAC Contributions GNYADA was recognized at the NADA Convention in New Orleans for its efforts to raise funds for the Dealer Election Action Committee (DEAC). GNYADA ranked 12th among state and metro dealer associ- ations nationwide and ranked #1 among all metro dealer associations. Dealers in metro NY contributed $63,000 to DEAC, an increase of over $14,000 from 2012. Almost $50,000 was raised during a special phone bank, led by DEAC Chairman Gary Schimmerling of Babylon Honda. The DEAC team included: GNYADA Chairman and NADA Director Neale Kuperman of Rockland Toyota Director Brian
“I was particularly interested in train- ing programs to teach young people how to fix cars, how to sell them, and how to make careers in the industry. Mark and I spent a lot of time talking about how to help small businesses everywhere create jobs and thrive,” she continued. In wide-ranging remarks, Mrs. Clinton went on to congratulate auto retailers for being at the heart of what makes our country great and thanked auto dealers for their vital role in communities all across our country, citing job creation and charitable giving as two important factors.
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association •
The Newsletter • February 2014 7
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