Workshops & Seminars for Automobile Dealerships
July 2022
BDC & SALES BOOT CAMP Setting appointments that show
WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING: GNYADA SALES ACADEMY Learned a lot. Everything was helpful. Very good instructor; had everyone engaged.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
TIME 10:00am - 4:00pm INSTRUCTOR Mark Rodriguez, Auto Client Care, Inc.
MEMBER FEE $175.00 NON - MEMBER $300.00
Discover proven strategies to make the most of every phone call. Learn how to set solid appointments, effec- tive objection handling, and more. Included are partici- pant workbooks, tailored role-plays, and real-time phone coaching. Attendees will learn how to: n Distinguish words and phrases that can be used to demonstrate interest and support n Select the right language to convey your message n Avoid negativity and replace with positive phrases n Identify key words to work into speech to build rapport n Keep a call on track and arrive at a positive outcome.
– Nick MINI of Southampton
DEALING WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLE Never fall victim to those who have the potential to make life miserable
Thursday, July 14, 2022
TIME 10:00am - 1:00pm INSTRUCTOR BIll McAndrews,
William D. McAndrews & Associates
MEMBER FEE $120.00 NON - MEMBER $200.00
Learn to make managing challenging employees and coworkers easier.
Learn strategies for getting adversaries to cooperate, bul- lies to back off, wall fl owers to open up, and complainers to think before they speak. Knowing how to deal with dif- fi cult people at work will allow you to approach your staff with greater con fi dence and your job with more enjoy- ment. Attendees will learn how to: n Work with / work around negative people n Communicate with any dif fi cult person n Go to a third party for help dealing with a problem person n Deal with employees who may offend others n Manage a mix of older and younger employees
C E N T E R F O R A U T O M O T I V E E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G / W H I T E S T O N E , Q U E E N S / G N Y A D A . C O M / E D U C A T I O N
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